The Bad Weather Dog.

Little old Bobby got a coat for Christmas. He likes it! Of course he is a bit of a prissy boy. Hates rain. . . thanks I'll pee inside.  He doesn't mind a bath, I think he likes a warm scrub down and a good toweling off but cold rain, no thanks. And snow? Come on. Really?!

Now he doesn't like to go out without his jacket on and if you don't stop him when he comes in, he high tails into bed under the covers with his jacket on.

Second dislike, cameras. I swear he hates a camera. Point it at him and he looks away or gives you a snobbish face. I think he was raised by the Amish. No photos, NO PHOTOS EVER!!!  I'm not sure how they got his photo on the APL site. Maybe thats why out of the four dogs in his rescue, he was the last to go. He says they saved the best for last. I agree.

He doesn't mind the sewing machine, sometimes he comes and sits by me. And he will come and tell me he has to go out. Hey! Get my coat!


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