Spring – Finally?!

Let's hope spring is finally on it's way. Rain for 2 days, sometimes a really hard rain. It rinsed off the winter crud. Hmm, I should have parked my car out in it. I did drive it in the rain last night coming home from Holy Thursday mass. We have a really beautiful celebration of the last supper with washing of the feet, mass and a candle lit procession out of the church with the host to the "Garden of Gethesamane". Lots of singing and ceremony. Very solemn.

Kitchen Conversation is humming along under the machine. The stitching is being done along the edges, this is where it gets tedious and critical. It's a bit of a job to keep the bulk of the quilt under control so I can stitch the outside of it and not mess up the finish. I want to fold the edges over for the finish so I am constantly checking that I have trimmed it correctly, otherwise I will have to take stitches out so I can trim the backing and batting to fold over smoothly. I know, I know, it's hard to explain unless you see how I work it.

In the meantime I am planning the next piece. I like to have a backup plan for the next one. I sent this image to Spoonflower. It will be printed on chiffon. I want to play with the transparency more. I found this picture of Joe theAppaloosa looking all soft. He was very picky about his riders but when he liked you he was good. Fortunately he grew to like me. It didn't hurt that I brought the carrots!


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