Elon Musk

 I am laughing myself silly over the people outraged at government workers having to list 5 things they did in the last week. When I worked I had to account for my whole day in 15 minute blocks with job number, client name and services rendered. It's one of nightmares that I work some where new for 3 months and haven't filled out a time sheet. 

Seriously if I was emailed that I would list at least ten things and send it back. No problem.

Actually if my boss would have asked me that I would have sent him the list and then ask what he had done. His job was being a paper weight and a consumer of vendor lunches. Hard work if you can get it.

It's an insult to regular people working hard at jobs that they are held accountable for. Stop sucking at the government titty and do your work. Maybe even show up!

Go Elon!

There was that one situation where I was called in and scolded for using my sick days,  (we got 6) half day at a time, to go and take care of medical issues with my mom who was in the hospital. I was kind of in shock that I was scolded for it and on reflection I remembered that my boss took a while month off for hernia surgery. He was so fat it wouldn't heal. But that's a different thing. Huh.

I don't miss work. Retirement is awesome. Best thing ever. Pretty much do what I want all day long.


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