Buttons and Beads, Oh My!

Yeah, heres what happens to Quilt National rejects. They get worked on some more. As soon as I opened my rejection email I hopped over to Amazon and Button Galore and ordered a bunch of buttons. This should be interesting.  I should have done a "before" weight. If it gets in somewhere it will cost a bit to ship it. 

Anything for fun.

It seems my one woman show at the Zanesville Museum of Art has flown into the ether of covid. It's the times we live in. As well as the election results which seem to be a bit stinky. We shall see. If it really is Biden we have lived thru worse management. I liked Trump's get it done attitude but he was very brash.  A lot of impoverished people were getting jobs and improving their lives when Covid hit. It's sad. 

I have been doing a lot of reading on African history, it's a complex subject and one that is not taught in school. I took European history in college but there was no African history course. As an artist so much art was developed in Africa, Picasso is a prime example of borrowing from African art. He "borrowed" so much from them. I have been looking at Ifi heads in particular.

That and yard cleaning, thanks to the wonderful couple behind me that helped to de-leaf my yard. They have the cutest baby.

And I have been making small collages, largest is 12" x 16"

Keep the faith!


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