One down

One eye done. Now I am driving around with a pair of glasses with one lense in and one out. Very strange working with one bifocal-ed eye! I went and bought a pair of cheap readers today since I absolutely can't see close up. Last night I tried to bead my quilt with one eye. I gave myself a headache!
I think I have enough ruffles and lace, but it could use more beads.

Before surgery I finished my great niece Autumn's 16th birthday banner. This was hung on her wheelchair ramp inviting everyone to her party. It now hangs in her bedroom.

The studio assistant is inspecting my work. Personally she would prefer I not use the sewing machine.

She would also like it to stop raining and for the fireworks to end. She is spending a lot of quality time in my small bathroom beside the commode. Anything for comfort and security!

Here is a link to an article on Quilt National from the Columbus Dispatch. If you click on the photo in the article it will give you a slide show.


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