Portable Work

On a warm summer afternoon there was a thunderstorm with tornadic winds in excess of 80 MPH. I sat a t my sewing room window and watched as my 100 foot tall magnificent oak tree was ripped in two. Half of which landed on my dining room roof. Not just landed it went through the roof! My dining room was filled with branches and blown in insulation and plaster dust.

I moved to my oldest brothers house 20 miles west of my house and have set up on his dining room table. Fortunately handwork is portable and along with my clothes, dog and medicine I packed up my latest project. Thankfully I had all the machine work pretty much done and was contemplating some handwork. stitching by hand is a wonderful distraction. I think all grade schools should teach handwork, knitting, stitching, simple drawing, anything to engage your brain with your hands.

So little Mis Daisy and I are homeless. Except we are living with my oldest brother about 20 miles away. I have to drive back and forth to pick up my mail and water plants. Thankfully my brother Jim is a master home builder so the roof is reframed and sheathed. Old siding stripped, roof getting ready for shingles. My house will look brand new.

And just for fun Daisy came in heat. Poor girl, I told her there is an operation for that, another thing on the money list.


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