Grannies Is Finished


Yay for finishing the Grannies! I learned a bit while doing this and I am ready to go bigger. 

After digging thru some old photos I came up with a photo from my dads childhood. He had to be around 2 or 3 so that would make is 1917 or so. My grandmother Betty with her 2 small children on a sunny Sunday morning in Cleveland Ohio, her husband Leonard was off in Europe fighting in WW 

I scanned this in, changed it to a black and white print did some filter work and cleaning up of the scratches, there were a lot the photo is old. Now that I think of it the photo is over a hundred years old! 

I took that into InDesign and printed it on 24 8.5 x 11 sheets of various cotton fabric and then sewed those together. There were a few spots where I reprinted and patched over the base so it appears aged and worn.

I proceeded to add old patches of lace and lawn fabric, some I tea dyed for age.

Now I am in the process of adding embroidery to the faces and hair. I love sitting and stitching. Meditative. 


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