Back to the tube

 As part of the healing process on my holey foot I am doing hyperbaric oxygen  treatments five days a week. Laying in the tube of oxygen for 1.5 hours is a bit taxing. You wouldn't think laying there and breathing pure oxygen would affect you that much but it raises your blood pressure, lowers your glucose, makes you hungry and tired. But if it speeds your healing sp much the better!

In the meantime I am embroidering  the central figure in Waiting on the Call. This is a photo I took early in the 1970's at the Lorain County Fair. The draft horses are harnessed and waiting to be called for their turn at pulling a heavy sled of weight. The object is to go a described distance. There is a danger when they lunge into the weight with full horse power. I think I did this in 2019 or so. I always liked it but I don't think it ever got accepted into any shows. It is a large piece with lots of machine stitching. And now the central figure will have lots of hand stitching. I just ordered another box of pearl cotton thread from Amazon.


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