Focus: Fiber 2014

I have been working on a rack card and catalog for Focus: Fiber 2014. Today I sent the rack card for printing. The catalog is waiting for proofing and a juror statement. Printing will hopefully be done before the opening September 26. Oh heck it should be done. Paola where is that statement!

Work is nearing the finish on the Quilt National project. I have gone through hating and now I am back to loving it. They seem to go through stages. Sometimes you just sit and look and think. And then something happens. I look through books and watch DVDs and some little idea will trickle in and grow to a solution.

But sometimes things just go to live on a bottom shelf. We all have those bottom shelfers. And sometimes there is a general cleaning and either they resurrect or go to the trash can. When I moved there was a fire and some pieces were fired for good. I made them, I learned from them, I sent them back to the universe.

As a person who spent 2 years taking improv comedy classes I have to mourn the passing of Robin Williams. Poor man, sometimes great gifts carry great burdens. Rest in Peace.


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