Life is down to a low hum. 
I started a new quilt project. 74" wide by 44" tall. A big one for you Dorothy. Got the image printed on an industrial printer so I have 4 24 x 36 pieces to paste down. Got those trimmed out and the fabric stitched together. That was my last big piece of cotton duck, so off I go to JoAnns with coupon in hand. I got a couple of base coats on and ran out of ink. Went to the local art store that used to carry acrylic ink and found out they have no ink. What? No ink. How can this be an art and craft store? Well, Dick Blick is now sending me ink. Thank you, Dick! The leaves are falling and all that are left are on our big Schwietzer (sp?) tree, a big yellow maple and the Bradford pear. Everything else has lost their leaves except for a few stragglers on the suckers. I have been keeping up with the clean-up. Of course every time I  mow the whole thing, the wind brings the neighbor's leaves over. And who knew magnolia leaves have a distinct peppery smell?I have been cleaning up all the junk in the house, mom's old clothes and stuff I never wear, books, oh the books! Took 3 shopping bags of books,  CDs and DVDs to 1/2 Price and got $35. Enough to buy cotton duck. Then I decided to clean all my portfolios of paper. Like maybe six of them. Now down to 2 portfolios and a mirror shipping box.Then for some reason I decided to redo the long wall of my studio room. Now this room is small. Like 7' 6"' wide by 12" 9" long with 2 good size windows on one long wall. The blank long wall has shelving, bookcases and my computer plus my big table with the sewing machine. And tons of art on the top half of the wall. It now has no art. But it will have new art. I have to put a sleeve on my Mom Healing piece and hang a piece of paper art I found in a portfolio. I turned it 90° and it struck me as a fun piece so it will go up. I need a kick out of a rut. Maybe this will help.  The photo is the before shot.


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